What to expect during a session

An energy healing session is given while you are fully clothed and lying comfortably on a softly padded treatment table, covered, if desired, with a soft cotton sheet or blanket.

*Comfortable, loose fitting clothing is suggested.

In safe, serene and quiet space I use a lightly meditative state to tune-in to your energy field to locate and clear areas of congestion and imbalance. There is light touch of the physical body.  

You simply rest, relax, and enjoy!

The session will last about 1 hour, and the first session usually goes a bit longer. 

You may expect to feel very relaxed during an energy healing session.

Sometimes you may feel sleepy and it is perfectly fine to drift into a little nap if you are so inclined.

Sometimes the session invites a quiet time for you to turn within and you can be comfortable in being silent if you wish.

Other times you may feel like talking about something and that is perfectly fine as well.

Sometimes you may feel a need to cry and you can know that you are in a safe place to do that.

You are welcome to come as you are and to be who you are.

You may feel a sense of heat or cool, energy or vibration, or other passing sensations or phenomena during the course of a session.

Sometimes you might experience a sense of stillness, a sense of peace and wonderment, or a deeper awareness as the energy works to uplift and support you towards your optimal state of being.

The experience varies from person to person and from time to time for the same person depending on their needs at the moment.

After your session, you will feel relaxed and lighter. The energy will continue to do its work for a time after the session is over. Therefore, it is a good idea to be mindful to rest as needed, and drink adequate water as this will assist the energy to move where it needs to go to help the body eliminate toxins.