Personal Healing Retreat

For those who need or desire more accelerated or intensive work towards healing we have 2 options built entirely around you ...

1. One Day Personal Energy Healing Intensive – $699

Sometimes we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in our life where there is a compelling need and desire for healing and change. We often do things the same way we have long done them, yet we are not happy with the results or dynamic we see in our self, our relationships, or in our life in general.

All deeper healing necessarily involves more self-awareness and doing things a little differently to enable a better experience for our self and the people we share our life with.

With this unique day of personal healing, we combine the needed benefits of energy work with the focus of self-awareness so that the intrinsic intelligence of your own experience can shape perspective, thought and direction towards higher ground. This gives way for seeing, feeling and doing things differently, which is the only way to get a different result.

Using simple, practical, supportive holistic healing, thought and possibilities, we can vision tangible ways and means to create the shifts we desire.

This day is designed uniquely for you to get the most benefit from our time together. A pre-scheduling conversation is good for me and you to make sure we both feel this a good match, and to ensure that your deepest hope, needs, desires and goals will be our focus. Arrival around 9am and finishing departure around 4pm is most common, though there is some flexibility to your personal needs.


The One Day Personal Energy Healing Intensive includes Energy Healing Sessions in morning and afternoon. All time in between remains focused solely on you and includes intended beneficial focus and conversations around relevant issues related to your current personal state, struggles, needs, hurts, issues, and healing.

Included daily is a restful break at midday for a lunch designed in accord with your personal dietary needs, desires, and preferences. All dietary preferences or limitations are honored.

* It is recommended to pair this event with a following day of lite activity as your body, mind and spirit will still be integrating this work, and rest will help support this.*

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Please note:

Energy healing sessions and all other information, conversations, or items through this site or office are for personal explorative, experiential, and informational purposes only and are not meant to be construed as professional medical advice, diagnosis, attention, or treatment- nor a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, attention, or treatment. We do not diagnose, prescribe, advise, or claim to treat or cure any disease or condition; nor do we make any claims of any service or product available through our business. Please seek the advice of your physician or other relevant licensed Health Care Professional with any questions or concerns that you may have regarding your health or condition or any other medical, psychiatric or health care concerns.





2. Weekend Energy Healing Intensive

(Design and price to be individually determined by the unique stay we design together for our meeting.)

This Weekend Energy Healing Intensive is designed uniquely for you to get the most benefit from our time together. It holds the same focus and elements as the One Day Personal Energy Healing Intensive, but is longer. 

A pre-scheduling conversation is good for me and you to make sure we both feel this a good match, and to ensure that your deepest hope, needs, desires and goals will be our focus. Arrival and finishing times will be mutually agreed beforehand depending on where you are coming from, and your unique logistical needs.  

Plymouth Massachusetts (otherwise known as “America’s Hometown”)  is a very lovely and wonderful  place to visit and explore. We are only a couple miles from the ocean and the waterfront area offers abundant fun things to see and do. Oodles of sweet eclectic small businesses, shops, and restaurants line the streets, as well as museums, music, nightlife, ocean front dining, and various hotels ranging from cost-efficient to luxury options. By itself, one can easily make this a vacation destination, as it is for so many. 

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Please note:

Energy healing sessions and all other information, conversations, or items through this site or office are for personal explorative, experiential, and informational purposes only and are not meant to be construed as professional medical advice, diagnosis, attention, or treatment nor a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, attention, or treatment. We do not diagnose, prescribe, advise, or claim to treat or cure any disease or condition; nor do we make any claims of any service or product available through our business. Please seek the advice of your physician or other relevant licensed Health Care Professional with any questions or concerns that you may have regarding your health or condition or any other medical, psychiatric or health care concerns.