We are customarily inclined to think of ourselves largely as the physical body that we see when we look in the mirror, as we do not always see the more subtle phenomena or subtle energy system that animates and sustains us in our body, and in the whole of our human experience. But our body’s functioning, and the whole of our human experience, is actually enabled and maintained by the continuous flow of subtle electromagnetic energy that flows through our subtle energy system – animating and interfacing with all our body’s organs and glands, all our cells, atoms, and electrons, right down to the finest material to ensure our body’s capable function. This electromagnetic energy is present in every living thing, mixing and mingling with every aspect of our self.

References of this complex energy system, and its relation to health and wellbeing are documented in many different cultural spheres around the world and date as far back as 2700 years ago, and in some traditions, more! This subtle energy system, and its related health concepts, were found in the yoga Upanishads dating back to between 500 and 700 BCE. 

In the practice of Reiki, as in many other holistic healing techniques used today, this subtle energy system is a primary focus for healing and balance as it is regarded by many as a source substrate of health and well-being.

In historical reference, there are seven major energy centers, sometimes called “chakras” (a Sanskrit word, meaning – spinning wheels).  These seven major energy centers run through the midline of our body, from the base of our spine to the top of our head.

They are considered responsible for feeding the life force energy to our body’s organs and glands, as well as helping process our mental, emotional, and spiritual experiences in life. While not concrete structures visible to our eyes, they can be described as something like – swirling vortices of electromagnetic energy and activity.

Light, intelligence, magnetism, consciousness, energy, or cognition are all qualities this electromagnetic energy demonstrates, in the multitude of functions, it fulfills in our body and self-existence.

If we consider that while we are sleeping at night, our body continues to operate in all its functions; our heart beats, our kidneys and liver detox, our brain, even in a deep sleep state, has much activity which we are not consciously aware of while sleeping.

We wake up after a good night’s sleep, feeling somehow refreshed – and no one pays much attention to the myriad of wonderfully balancing and restorative activity which occurred in our own body, during our sleepful night.

Though we cannot see this energy with the naked eye, finer technology can pick up some of this subtle activity in the same way that a strong microscope picks up activity in cells and tissue that we also cannot see with the naked eye.

Aside from these seven major energy centers, we also have a multitude of smaller energy vortices all over our body and energy system working in an intelligent, interconnected tandem to feed and nurture our mind, body, and spirit, to support and conduct the synaptic and cellular connections and exchanges needed for the body to operate – and to help compensate when we have an imbalance, injury, or struggle throughout the human life.

These energy centers are connected to each other through an extensive network of subtle energy channels or meridians that run parallel to our nervous system. Energy moves through them like water might flow through a channel, and it flows throughout the body, in the same way that blood does.

When this energy flow becomes disturbed, congested or disproportionally imbalanced, various unwanted symptoms, discomfort, or problems can more easily occur. In the understanding of Reiki, the healthy balance and flow of this life force energy is considered vital to wellness and balance. 

In part, how this concept may apply to Reiki’s aim in health and wellness is in the understanding that when discomfort, illness, or imbalance emerges in the physical or psychological bodies, that there were more subtle patterns, changes, or tendencies which were before or behind the presentation as pain, disturbance, or dis-ease.

Therefore, we could say, that focusing attention on the subtle chemistry and energy patterns can be likened to reaching for underpinnings that may give rise to, worsen, or enable the symptoms or problem one may be experiencing. 

The energy meridian system is a key concept in all forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine including the long-standing practices of Acupuncture and Qigong. It is also a backdrop to many long-standing Yogic traditions. But ancient writings and understandings of the human energy system are shared by virtually every culture, including some older European and American traditions.

A selection of peer-reviewed, double-blind studies can be accessed through the National Library of Medicine that offer support for Reiki as an evidence-based Complementary support for wellbeing.

One study, published in October of 2017 from The Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine concluded that Reiki is a safe and gentle therapy that activates the parasympathetic nervous system to heal body and mind.

You may remember from an old biology class that the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) gets triggered when we perceive a stressor, pressure, or threat – and is responsible for the body’s stress or “fight or flight” response. And the Parasympathetic nervous system controls homeostasis, and the body’s need to return to rest. Therefore, activities which trigger our parasympathetic nervous system bring us the balance we need when stressors are afoot.  Aside from Reiki, any relaxing body work, deep breathing, prayer, meditation, yoga, or a talk with a good friend, will also trigger the healing and balancing faculties of our Parasympathetic Nervous system.

In this study on the Parasympathetic benefits of Reiki, a reduced heart rate and blood pressure were consistent clinical markers of response. It also concluded that Reiki was effective for reducing anxiety, pain, and depression, and was also found to cause unexpected longer-standing desirable changes, including stress-reduction, enhancement of self-esteem, and feelings of orientation toward our own personal sense of strength, power, and control.

This study also concluded that Reiki may have much potential for broader use in the management of chronic health conditions, during chemotherapy treatment or hospice, as well as pre-operatively and in general postoperative recovery. So we can at least appreciate that this method has been scientifically affirmed in its helpful effects.